Study Room Use Policy

Study Room Use Policy

Study rooms at the Fox Lake District Library are available for use pursuant to this study room use policy.

  • Study rooms are available on a first come, first served basis. No reservations are accepted.

  • Users of study rooms must sign in at the Adult Reference Desk.

  • Study rooms may be used for 90 (ninety) minutes.

    • If no one is waiting at the end of the first 90 (ninety) minutes of use, the study room may be used in additional 30 (thirty) minute increments until another user requests use of the room.

    • When another user requests use of the room, the current user may complete his or her current 30 (thirty) minute increment.

  • Use of study rooms will end 30 (thirty) minutes prior to the closing of the library facility.

  • Lights must remain on during evening hours!

Approved by the Board of Library Trustees, Fox Lake Public Library District, on April 13, 2010