- Policies
Internet Use Policy
Amended 8/20/2019
The computer use privileges of anyone not abiding by these rules will be suspended for three months on the first infraction, and permanently for any infraction thereafter.
Access to computers and the Internet is provided by the Fox Lake District Library free of charge, except for a printout charge of ten cents per page for black and white printouts and fifty cents per page for color printouts.
Each user of a library computer must sign on to the computer reservations system using a library card with a valid barcode.
All barcodes must be registered with the front desk. Users not having a library card will be issued a guest pass that will be valid for that day. Only persons logging in as above may use library computers. Library cards and guest passes may not be loaned to others, nor may users relinquish unused time to other users.
All parents and guardians are advised that they are responsible for monitoring their children's use of the Internet at the library and for providing all necessary supervision. The library does not act as substitute parent.
Parents may elect to prevent their children under age 18 from using Internet/public access computers at the library.
Those under the age of 14 must use the children's department computers unless accompanied by a parent.
A content filtering program is employed for children's department computers.
Use of library computers and Internet is limited to one hundred and eighty minutes per day, with no extensions, on adult department computers and ninety minutes per day, with one thirty minute extension, on the children's department computers. Any minutes remaining after a session may be used later in the same day by the same user.
All users of library computers and the persons accompanying them must respect the comfort and privacy of all other library users. No more than two persons may be present at each computer workstation.
Adults may not use children's department computers unless accompanying children in the room.
Wireless Internet service is available in most areas of the library building. Users of the wireless Internet must be capable of configuring their own equipment to receive the signal.
Library computers and printers are powered down fifteen minutes prior to closing. All computer use and printing will conclude at this time, and it is the user's responsibility to print or save necessary data to a floppy disk or USB drive prior to shutoff time.
Computer users may not install software, tamper with the library's hardware, or interfere with or change the library's computer settings in any way. Users will be responsible for charges resulting from the correction of any interference with library computers. If users need to save their work, USB drives are usually available for purchase at the circulation desk.
Users may not connect their own equipment to the library's computers or network, with the exception of earphones, USB drives, digital cameras and iPods/MP3 players. Users of audio media must bring their own earphones. Earphone sound must not be audible to any other library user. Earphones are usually available for purchase at the circulation desk.
The library does not guarantee the authority, accuracy, or currency of information available on the Internet, nor does it take responsibility to any extent for patron use of the Internet at the library. The library is not responsible for the operation of any website or service accessed through the library's Internet terminals.
Library staff will provide limited assistance with basic start up procedures as time permits. Free basic training in computer and Internet use is available at the library at determined times or by appointment. Please inquire at the Reference desk.
Users of the Internet at the library are cautioned that images that are inappropriate for display in a public place are available on the Internet. Courtesy to other patrons and to the library staff in this regard must be observed by all Internet users at the library.
The library's computers and Internet service may not be used for illegal purposes.
This computer and Internet use policy will be displayed on the screen at the start of each work session. All users agree to observe this policy when signing on to the computers.