Ref - Technology - Computer Classes
Computer Classes
The library offers free computer classes for adults. You can take the classes as many times as you would like, but it is suggested that beginners take the three main Basic computer courses first, as these skills are needed in other class.

If you would like more information or would like to register for a class, please inquire at the Reference Desk or call us at (864) 941-4655.
Copies of the class calendar become available the last week of the month. Sign up for the next month's classes begins on the last Wednesday of the month.

Computer Class Date: August 27-August 29, 2024


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The Basics
This course discusses the fundamentals of desktop and laptop computers. This course DOES NOT discuss internet, email, tablets, or phones.

Basics I
This class is an introductory course to the computer. In this class you will begin with the fundamental skills needed to use a computer. This class must be taken before student can continue to Basics II.

Basics II
Learn how to resize windows, learn all about the start menu, and develop intermediate mouse skills. Students must complete this class before continuing onto Basics III.

Basics III
In this class, the student will apply the fundamental skills learned in Basic I and II to learn how to open and save files, use a USB flash drive and more. Basics I and II must be completed before taking Basics III.

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