Ref - Technology - One on One Assistance
Computer Tutorials Computer Classes Databases for Technology One-on-One Assistance


One-on-One Assistance
Space is limited. One-on-one sessions are 55 minutes long. Please bring any cords, chargers, etc. with you.

Technology Appointments

We offer one-on-one assistance with basic computer/technology questions.

You must:

Sign up for a time slot by calling the Reference Desk.
Bring devices and chargers on the date of appointment.
Have a specific subject to discuss.

Dates of Future Technology Appointments:

September, 12, 2024

Contact: The Reference Desk to sign up at (864) 941-4655

Course Descriptions: Below are the descriptions of all the classes taught in the recommended order to take the classes. If you have any specific questions about what is taught in class, please contact the Reference Staff.
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