Teen Scene

Welcome to the Teen page.  For information on all things teen related stop by the Teen Center or call the Teen Desk 941-3031. The Teen Center is a place for all teens to be able to read, learn, and socialize. 
Keep in touch!

Follow us on Facebook and Instagram to keep up to date with everything going on in the Teen Center and pictures from our events!

District 50 Communication
The Library sends a monthly flyer through the District 50's Peachjar application. You can view any of the flyers on your teen's school website under the Quicklinks tab at the top right of the page. Just click on Peachjar and you can see our flyers along with others in the community!
You can also check out our programs below. All teen programs will take place in the Teen Center unless otherwise specified. Anime Club meets downstairs in the American Veterans Auditorium. You must be in Grades 6 - 12 to participate in Teen Programs. You can register for all programs online or in the Teen Center at the Main Library.

Board Game Collection and Community Puzzle:

Come by and play any of our board games with your friends in the Teen Center or work on the community puzzle. 

Board Games and puzzles CANNOT leave the Teen Center. Make sure to check out the Board Game Club if you are interested in meeting new players. 

Adults and Children:

The Teen Center is a safe place for teens to read and socialize together. For that reason, only teens* are allowed to hang out in the Teen Center. *A parent, guardian, or sibling is welcome to stay and play a board game with a teen.

Adults and children under 5th Grade are allowed to come in for materials.

Children under 11 must be accompanied by an adult or a teen who is 15 years or older. 

Jessica Howard
Young Adult Services Coordinator
Office Phone: (864) 941-3030
Other Teen Center Staff:
Lorelei Harper
YA Assistant
Adrian Little
YA Assistant
Call the Teen Center Desk:
(864) 941-3031

Monthly Teen Program Calendars (ALL BRANCHES)

Copy a single event to your Google Calendar: Click on the event you are interested in attending to view the details of the event. Click on the copy to my calendar button below the event details


Teen Novelist Association Book Clubs Board Game Club & Game Show Nights Lego Club Tween Quest


Teen Programs are for grades 6th - 12th. During the summer, rising 6th graders (just finished their 5th grade school year) will be able to participate in the Teen Center programs. Most programs will be held in the Teen Center unless otherwise noted. 

We welcome program suggestions! If you have an idea, please submit it to Ms. Jessica either in person or by email! (We can't do everything, but we can try.)

Winter Teen Lock In: Masquerade & Murder
Friday, January 3, 5:30-8:00 PM
Teen Center
Registration Required: Register here
Ages: 13-18 Years Old

In the grand ballroom of Retribution Manor, costumed guests are gossiping at a masquerade party. Everyone wants to know:

“Who invited us here?”

“Who assigned us our mask colors?”

“Who would throw such a lavish party in a haunted house?”

No one has answers—they only know that they were instructed to be here, or their secrets would be revealed to the world.

Join us for an after hours teen only event and help us solve this who-done-it. Dress in your fanciest outfits, pick a mask, and take on a character's persona. What secrets are the other's hiding? Will your secret be found out before the killer is unmasked... or are you the killer?

Pizza, soft drinks, and dessert will be served.


Teen Novelist Association
formerly Teen Writer's Group

Teen Center

Ages: 11-17 Years Old

Interested in writing novels, poetry, comic books, or any other type of writing? Join us as we kick off a new monthly club dedicated to writing. Hone your writing skill as we practice and get feedback from your peers. Snacks will be provided.

No registration required.

Tuesday, January 14: 5:30—6:30 PM
Tuesday, February 11: 5:30—6:30 PM
Tuesday, March 11: 5:30—6:30 PM
Tuesday, April 8: 5:30—6:30 PM


Tween Book Club 

Ages: 10-12 Years Old

Love to read? Join us for a brand new book club for TWEENS only. The Library provides each tween a copy of the book to read and we will discuss the book together! This is also a time to socialize, give book suggestions, and eat snacks!

Registration is required. Once you have registered, you can come by the Teen Center to pick up your copy of the book.

Download Tween Book Club Brochure: January - July 2025

  January February March
Saturday, January 4: 2:00-3:00PM
Teen Center
Registration Begins: December 4
Saturday, February 15: 2:00-2:45PM
Teen Center
Registration Begins: January 15*
*Registration Moved to: January 18
Click Here To Register
Saturday, March 15: 2:00-2:45PM
Teen Center
Registration Begins: February 15
Click Here To Register
  April May  
  Saturday, April 12: 2:00-2:45PM
Teen Center
Registration Begins: March 12
Click Here To Register
Saturday, May 10: 2:00-2:45PM
Teen Center
Registration Begins: April 10
Click Here To Register

Teen Book Club

Ages: 13-17 Years Old

Love to read? Join us for a brand new book club for TEENS only. The Library provides each teen a copy of the book to read and we will discuss the book together! This is also a time to socialize, give book suggestions, and eat snacks!

Registration is required. Once you have registered, you can come by the Teen Center to pick up your copy of the book.

Download Tween Book Club Brochure: January - July 2025

  January February March
  Saturday, January 18: 2:00-3:00PM
Teen Center
Registration Begins: December 18
Click Here To Register
Saturday, February 15: 3:00-3:45PM
Teen Center
Registration Begins: January 15*
*Registration Moved to: January 18
Click Here To Register
Saturday, March 15: 3:00-3:45PM
Teen Center
Registration Begins: February 15
Click Here To Register
  April May  
  Saturday, April 12: 3:00-3:45PM
Teen Center
Registration Begins: March 12
Click Here To Register
Saturday, May 10: 3:00-3:45PM
Teen Center
Registration Begins: April 10
Click Here To Register


Board Game Club

Teen Center

Ages: 11-17 Years Old

Join us for Board Game Club in the Teen Center. We will have several games available to play on different skill and grade levels. Board Game Club typically meets once a month. 

Current games include: Mysterium, Escape Room in a Box: Werewolf Edition, Unstable Unicorns, Poetry for Neanderthals, Exploding Kittens, Kids against Maturity, Taco, Cat, Goat, Cheese, Pizza, Scrabble, Monopoly, Battleship, and more.

Please defer to Monthly Teen Calendar above or the Library's Facebook page. Any cancellations will be posted to Facebook and Instagram.


January February March April  

Thursday, January 16:

4:00 - 5:00 PM

Thursday, February 20:

4:00 - 5:00 PM

Thursday, March 20:

4:00 - 5:00 PM

Thursday, April 17:

4:00 - 5:00 PM



Ages: 8-17 Years Old


Spend some time having fun and creating with Legos. We'll give you topic that you can use to create an object out of LEGO bricks. This event is for children and teens in 2nd - 12 Grade. You can drop by and join Lego Club anytime between 3:30 - 5:00 to accommodate those who get out of school later or ride the bus. We will clean up the LEGO bricks at 4:55 PM.

January February March April May

Thursday, January 9:

3:30 - 5:00 PM

Thursday, February 6:

3:30 - 5:00 PM

Thursday, March 6:

3:30 - 5:00 PM

Thursday, April 3:

3:30 - 5:00 PM

Thursday, May 1:

3:30 - 5:00 PM

Tween Quest
The following Tuesdays at 4:00 PM to 5:00 PM
Children's Story Room
Ages: 9-12 Years Old
Join Ms. Jessica from the Teen Center and Ms. Shalia from the Children's Room for programs geared towards our tweens! We consider tween to include those in upper elementary (4th-5th) and middle school (6th-8th).

Tuesday, March 25: 4:00 - 5:00 PM - Polymer Clay Tangle Beads

Learn how to make this easy, fun type of polymer clay bead. We'll make our own, bake them, and string them on leather cord to make a bracelet or necklace.

Registration Required: Register online beginning Tuesday, March 4.



Tuesday, April 22: 4:00 - 5:00 PM - Waffle Cone Painted Terracotta Pots

Celebrate Earth Day by painting a terracotta pot like your favorite ice cream! Pick up some free seeds from our Seed Library to plant in your newly decorated pot.

Registration Required: Register online beginning Tuesday, April 8.



Just Dance Dance Off

Wednesday, March 19: 3:30 - 5:00 PM

Children's StoryRoom

Ages: 8-12 Years Old

Get ready to dance your socks off! Compete against other kids and tweens and see who is the best dancer! We will project some Just Dance YouTube videos on the large screen in the Children's Story Room and you can show off your dancing skills. We will have some prizes to give out to our best dancers in each age group. 

Crochet Club

When: Drop in from 3:30 - 5:00PM on:

Friday, February 28
Friday, March 14
Friday, March 28
Friday, April 11
Friday, April 25

Children's Story Room

Ages: 9-18

Beginners welcome!

About: This group is to help tweens and teens get started learning the basics of crochet, get help as they move into intermmediate patterns, and just have fun with people how enjoy the same craft. We have donated yarn you can practice on and patterns that you can work. You can also bring your own yarn and project to work on during group time.

Crochet Club will meet every other week on Fridays from 3:30-5.
This is a drop in program, so if you cant make it exactly at 3:30, come when you can!

No registration Required

Grab and Go Crafts

Get a free craft kit every month in the Teen Center. While supplies last

January: Kool Aid Lip Balm

February: Heart Friendship Bracelets 

March: Boondoggle "Lace" Keychains

April: Pom Pom Coasters


Now Accepting Applications for Rising 9th - 12th Graders! 


Are you looking for community service opportunities for school or college applications? Become a Teen Summer Volunteer at the Library! Teen Volunteers will be under the supervision of the Young Adult Services Coordinator and will be able to participate in a variety of service activities in the Teen Center, Children's Room, and other areas of the Library.

Don't want to commit to being a volunteer or just need a few hours for Beta Club or another school requirement? Check out the information on Community Projects below.


Opportunities available to Teen Volunteers:

Teen Advisory Board: Mondays, 5-6:30PM. This is our core group of volunteers that meets nearly every Monday to plan 2 children's programs per year (A Christmas Program and Spring Easter Egg Hunt) and assists the YA Services Coordinator with brainstorming ideas for Teen programs, events, and materials. They also:

  • Assist with Children and Tween Programs under supervision with YA Services and Children's Services Coordinators.
  • Assist with large annual events, such as our fall Spook Night event.
  • Decorate the Library for Halloween, Christmas, Summer Reading, and other events as needed. 
  • Other tasks as needed by the Teen and Children's staff. 

This is a commitment and requires you to fill out a Teen Volunteer Application and Parental Consent form and submit them to the Young Adult Coordinator. 


How to apply:

Fill out and submit a TEEN VOLUNTEER APPLICATION and a PARENTAL CONSENT FORM at the Teen Center Desk. The Young Adult Services Coordinator will contact you and your parents to set up a time for you to start if a volunteer slot is available. 



Good for those who just need an hour or two of community service.

Current projects:

  • No-sew blankets that will be donated to a local nonprofit organization that assists families in need.
  • Decorate and write cards that will be sent to assisted-living homes.

Instructions and materials are all provided by the Library.

No application is required for working on a community project for service hours. However, make sure to schedule a time with the Young Adult Services Coordinator to work on a project when staff is available to sign for your hours! Contact information is below. 


Contact the Young Adult Services Coordinator:

Jessica Howard

Email: jhoward@greenwoodcountylibrary.org

Teen Desk Phone: 941-3031

Photo Release Notice:

Photos or videos may be taken at Library events and activities for Library use in promotion and publicity. Anyone not wanting to have their photo taken should notify Library staff at the time of the event or activity.