Indiana Memory was created by Indiana State Library to bring together original source documents of the history of Indiana. Institutions from across the state contribute to this online digital project.
Hoosier State Chronicles is Indiana's digital historic newspaper program.
Beginning in 2007, Charlestown Clark County Public Library began digitizing its collection and adding it to Indiana Memory. We are continuously adding items. The library has two collections on Indiana Memory.
Jesse G. Dorsey World War II Correspondence
This collection contains 1791 letters, postcards, greeting cards, photographs, scrapbooks and more that Jesse Dorsey collected during World War II. Dorsey, who worked for the Louisville Cement Company in Speed, Indiana, began a letter writing campaign to area soldiers. He kept those letters and later donated his collection to Sellersburg Library.
Read about the Jesse G. Dorsey Collection and the history of the Louisville Cement Company.
The collection contains a few objects that help tell the story of how Dorsey and the Speed, Indiana community supported the war effort.
Greetings From Home Christmas 1943, Sellersburg, Indiana
Entertainment Scrapbook 1, 1942-44 Community House, Speed, Indiana
Entertainment Scrapbook 2, 1944-45 Community House, Speed, Indiana
Complete list of service men entertained at Speed Community House 1942-1945, Speed, Indiana
Service men entertained at Speed, Indiana news story 1945 by Jesse Dorsey
Suggestion for the entertaining of soldiers by Jesse Dorsey 1942
Weekend entertainments for soldiers in Speed, Indiana news story 1942 by Jesse Dorsey
The originals of this collection are kept at the Sellersburg Library.
Clark County Collection
This collection contains thousands of items of Clark County history. There are maps, letters, newsletters, store ledgers, judge court ledger, Civil War letters, photographs, documents, brochures, yearbooks, personal documents, church histories and much more. As the digitization of additional items is completed, they will be added. The original items are kept in Charlestown Library Special Collections (unless otherwise noted below) and can be viewed upon request.
Here are links to some groups of items in the collection.
oldest item: Recorder's Office Pages, Clark County, Indiana Territory 1816
church histories
World War II letters
Korean War letters
Civil War letters
cement industry
Louisville Cement Company
Indiana Army Ammunition Plant
post cards
Clark County MLS real estate listings from 1960s & 1970s
Silver Creek schools
Charlestown schools
Henryville schools
Borden, Indiana
Charlestown, Indiana
Sellersburg, Indiana
Speed, Indiana
Henryville, Indiana
New Washington, Indiana
Utica, Indiana
Jeffersonville, Indiana
Speed Community House
Yearbooks - more will be added as they are digitized
The originals of these items are kept at Sellersburg Library.
Jesse G. Dorsey Korean War Correspondence
Sellersburg and Speed Schools Commencement Program, Sellersburg, Indiana 1898
Speed Mixer - Newsletter of the Louisville Cement Company (1955-Jul, Oct, Nov, Dec; 1956-Mar, Apr, May, Jul)
The Speed Way 1957-1968 - Newsletter of the Louisville Cement Company, Speed, Indiana (1 issue missing)
The Speedometer 1921-1929, 1941-1945, 1950, 1952, 1954-1956 - Newsletter of the Louisville Cement Company, Speed, Indiana (Not a complete set. Not published in 1930s.)
The Warning Star 1937 - Newsletter of the Louisville Cement Company, Speed, Indiana