The Friends of the Gadsden County Public Library
The Friends of the Gadsden County Public Library is a group of volunteers that organized in 1979 with a mission to increase library access for the citizens of Gadsden County.
Friends raise funds to cover important library activities not adequately funded by Federal, State and County government. Friends provide funds for electronic and other books, library enhancements for staff and food for programs.
Join the Friends and support libraries in Gadsden County. Your tax deductible gift can make a difference for Children and Adults in our community. Mail your tax deductible donation to:
Friends of the Gadsden County Public Library
732 South Pat Thomas Parkway
Quincy, Florida 32351
Phone: 850-627-7106
Board Members
Carrie Barkley, Betty Carter, Deborah Coury, Nesta Cumbie, Densyl Fletcher, Charles Flowers, Anne Johnson , Janet Kever, Almeta Leverett, Mark McEwen, Glenda Norvell, Charles Osmin, Phil Parks, Linda Whiddon, Patsy Willis, Carol Barineau
Authors Hosted at Annual Author Dinner
Dale Cox (2016)
Maggie Carter-de Vries (2015)
Timothy Weeks (2014)
Charles Martin (2013)