Reviews for The Bundy Murders : a comprehensive history

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From Booklist, Copyright © American Library Association. Used with permission.

No serial killer has captured the fancy of Americans quite like Ted Bundy. From 1974 (possibly earlier) until his final capture in 1978, Bundy terrorized the country, leaving a trail of bodies in his wake. Friends and acquaintances were shocked that the affable man they knew and loved was guilty of such heinous crimes. His charming law-student facade belied a lecherous bogeyman who preyed on young women. Given his infamy, there is an overwhelming volume of media surrounding Bundy, a plethora of books, films, podcasts, and television series examining his crimes. Sullivan has consumed it all. The foreword promises exclusive information and delivers. Through prodigious research, Sullivan sniffs out small details, like overlooked gas station receipts, to meticulously define the time line of Bundy’s killing spree. Sullivan also attempts to offer, when possible, well-rounded views of the forgotten women who were victims, sharing snapshots of their lives and personalities. Precise and fast-paced, this is a worthwhile addition to the existing Bundy canon. True crime aficionados should pair this title with Elizabeth Kendall’s memoir, The Phantom Prince (1981).
