*Friends of the Library

Friends of the Library


The Friends of the Fox Lake District Library volunteers are not yet back in session.*

*Though the Friends are not yet back in session, the Book Sale Room is open.

Donations are still paused. Please call the library for alternative locations to donate items.


We are a group of volunteers who love our library! 

The Friends is a volunteer group whose sole purpose is to support the Fox Lake District Library and its mission in the community. We maintain the first floor Friends Book Sale Room and participate in other projects and events that promote the value of and benefit the library, enrich its resources and promote its services.

Our volunteer time is devoted to the collection, sorting and sale of donated and library discarded book and audio visual materials. Although most of our volunteer duties center on maintaining a presence and organizing the Friends Book Sale Room; we also assist with library programs, events and community outreach.

Participation in the Friends group is open to residents of Northern Illinois who hold a valid library card. Persons interested in joining the Friends group can also attend any Friends meeting and sign up for an orientation tour.

Located on the first floor of the Fox Lake District Library

255 E. Grand Avenue, Fox Lake, IL 60020