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Sergeant Reckless: The True Story of the Little Horse Who Became a Hero
by Patricia McCormick

Kirkus Copyright © Kirkus Reviews, used with permission. U.S. Marines reluctantly adopt a small mare to carry ammunition in battle during the Korean War, believing she will be too weak for the job. They soon realize their mistake! Digitally colored pencil drawings capture the spirited mare and her military world in a khaki-tinted palette, while the straightforward, informative text is presented framed by various relevant documents and objects, lending the art a collagelike feel. Nicknamed Reckless, the mare has a passion for foodshe loves chocolate and Coke, regularly joins the men for scrambled eggs, and even nibbles on poker chips. But it's Reckless' hard work that truly makes her a beloved member of the team, and after learning to cope with the noise of battle, she carries ammunition to the men through shellfire and flares, saving lives and helping win a battle that changes the course of the war. The only nonhuman to be awarded military rankshe's promoted to sergeant and receives two Purple HeartsReckless is eventually brought to the States through the efforts of the soldiers who loved her. This intriguing historical tale of an underdog highlights the connection between animals and humans, provides a view of the dangers of the battlefield, and has a subtle feminist slant. A warm human (and horse) interest story that feels fresh off a newsreel. (Informational picture book. 6-10) Copyright Kirkus Reviews, used with permission.
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Du Iz Tak?
by Carson Ellis

Kirkus Copyright © Kirkus Reviews, used with permission. Viewers follow the unfurling of an exotic woodland plant through the actions and invented language of beautifully coiffed and clothed insects. The nonsense narrative is presented through dialogue. Because the conversations connect to specific phenomena and many words are repeated, decoding occurs fairly quickly. Du iz tak? (Probably: What is that?) Ma ebadow unk plonk. (Perhaps: I think its a plant.) The true meaning is anyones guess, but therein lies the fun. A large trim size and an abundance of white space on the opening pages send readers eyes to the delicate ink-and-gouache winged creatures and the small green shoot at the base of the spreads. Over several days and nights, the scene builds: a caterpillar forms a cocoon; a snail emerges from its well-appointed log to lend a ribble (ladder) so its friends can build a furt in the rising stalk; a cricket fiddles in the moonlight. Danger appearsa menacing spider that seems intent on caging the plant in its web until an enormous bird swoops in, altering the course of events. But there is glory too as the gladdenboot blooms and the encapsulated moth takes flight. This is certain to ignite readers interest and imaginings regarding their natural surroundings. Following the minute changes as the pages turn is to watch growth, transformation, death, and rebirth presented as enthralling spectacle. (Picture book. 4-7) Copyright Kirkus Reviews, used with permission.
Book Jacket
The Last Cuentista
by Donna Barba Higuera

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